Are short-term mission trips really effective? If I don't speak the same language, how will I be able to communicate and share the gospel? If I share the gospel, is there a local church equipped to cultivate and disciple this new believer? These are just a few of the questions that we have taken into consideration as we developed our philosophy for Makarios Missions Trips.
Our philosophy is that local needs should be met by the local church, regardless of where you are in the world.
God designed the local church to be the spiritual lifeline in their communities. In this design, each church has members that are capable of meeting the needs of their community, and find great joy and purpose in doing so. Our short term trips are designed to empower and equip these churches, alongside neighboring Christian schools, in vulnerable communities to see spiritual restoration take place.
We have 3 types of trips: Vision & Prayer, Serving, and Learning. If you want to be a part of what God is doing through Makarios, consider signing up to GO on a trip.
Interested in being a vessel to bring about spiritual restoration for generational impact?
Join the Makarios Family.